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How to write a Professional Summary that will WOW hiring managers!

Posted on June 7th, 2019

You have a personal brand as a job seeker. Each company also has its own unique brand. In order to sell yourself, you must find a way to align your brand with the company brand. That opportunity is given to you by a well-written career summary, optimized with the right keywords

To make it short, your professional summary should contain all the most exciting parts of your resume.

How do you do that?

  1. Write your professional summary last. If you’ve already finished other sections of your resume It’s surprisingly easy.
  2. The first bullet point shouldbe dedicated solely to your professional title. Forgetting to add number of years of experience would be your greatest mistake if you ever do it. Write it in bold.
  3. Pick the 3-4 most impressive parts of your resume and reword them into snappy bullet points. Tease your potential employer into reading further.
  4. To maximize the impact, pack your professional summary with relevant keywords. Even better, try to quantify each achievement.
  5. Tie each bullet point to the requirements introduced in the job offer.
  6. Sum up what you have to offer to a potential employer. A resume summary should never just focus only around what you want. Instead, if you can quote the value you can bring to the company you’re approaching. Adopt this mindset.
  7. Start with the job listing. Carefully reread the job listing and find the most important keywords. Job position, related skills, as well as the ideal candidate are the best described nouns or phrases. Before you begin to write, think about how they intersect with your own skills and experiences.
  8. Emphasize proven experience. Instead of simple list of your skills, mentioning previous endeavors. For example, instead of plainly claim that you’re a skilled writer it’s much more impactful to say that you had your articles published in the Forbes.
  9. Structure it well. Yield this one from a proficient writer — If you want to structure your text clearly without giving it too much effort bullet points are a godsend. They will not only make your resume look good and read well, but also naturally order your resume summary into clearly delineated logical parts. Also, not to ignore Bolding your Job tittle.
  10. Keep it short. Longer than 5 short sentences (or bullet points) is a clear no in your resume. Making it a long summary kind of overthrows, the point of involvement of a resume summary at all.

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