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Self-help To Improve Your productivity In Office

Posted on March 2nd, 2021

Every minute in life is gold and, we have 1440 minutes a day but are we effectively using them and being productive. Probably, for many of us, the answer is no. So, how do we use the gold that never comes back to the maximum and be maximum productive? Well, if you are not aware, here are those self-help tips to effectively manage your time and be more productive in professional and personal endeavors.

Track and limit the time spent on your tasks:

While many of us think that we can gauge the time spent on varied tasks, the scenario is different. As per some research studies, only 17% of us are capable of estimating the time spent. So, instead of being in the illusion that you know how you are using and spending time on different tasks, use tools such as Rescue Time which can assist you.

Have regular breaks:

It may sound illogical. But, having planned breaks can in fact help in improving concentration. Taking short breaks while on longer works aids in maintaining a constant performance level. On the other hand, breakless work reduces focus and leads to lessened performance.

Set self-imposed targets:

For many of us, stress is a bad thing. But according to psychologists, short-term stress is actually good. Stress, now and then helps us meet our goals on time. So, set some targets and invite some stress to see how productive you can be.

Stick to the "two-minute rule":

Steve Olenski, an entrepreneur, suggests deploying the "two-minute rule" which means doing the works that can be done in 2 minutes or less immediately without postponing them. Doing so will actually leave one with more time for big tasks.

A simple no to meetings:

As per Atlassian, a median office worker spends more than 31 hours every month in unwanted meetings. Keep this in mind every time your mind asks for a meeting. Ask yourself how good you can put this time to use. Probably, instead of an unwanted meeting, you can complete work by making use of a call or an email. You may also rely on standing meetings.

No multitasking:

If you are under the impression that multitasking increases productivity, you are wrong. As per science, multitasking only leads to loss of time and lesser productivity. Instead, focus first on one major task followed by a lesser one.

Take benefit of your commuting:

If you can use travelling time to push out emails, check your to-do list or brainstorming, you will benefit more. The next time you commute, do not play Candy Crush or do Facebooking focus on the said alternatives.

Leave back the idea of perfection:

For many employers and employees being perfect is an addiction however, the truth is, nothing is perfect forever. So, don’t waste time on being a perfectionist, bang on the task and give your best possible. There is always time to redo a thing if needed.

Be proactive and not reactive:

Your calls and emails should not dictate what your day should be and how you should work. Don’t always wait for someone to say and dictate work for you. You jump and take the lead. Earmark some time in your day to phone calls and emails instead of attending them as soon as they arrive. If you cannot do this, at least ensure you turn off notifications for a while.

Work in 90-minute breaks:

Florida State University researchers found top performers (chess players, athletes, writers, musicians, etc.) who worked in gaps of not more than 90 minutes are more productive than the ones who worked in intervals of more than 90 minutes. They even found that top performers never worked more than 4.5 hours a day.

Surround yourself with good things:

A thing of beauty is a joy forever and this holds good everywhere. Place something that pleases you. Say something like a plant, flower, picture, candle or for that instance, anything that you like. Having things that enthuse you will increase your productivity by 15%.

Reduce interruptions:

Minimize interruptions to the maximum since even an interruption can change the way you look at your work. More interruptions mean lessened productivity. Track all the activities that disrupt your work.

Follow all these and, besides all the above, love what you are doing to boost your productivity.

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